Piloting that mecha can be stressing...

Doesn't your mecha get tired of making the same tasks over and over, battling this unstoppable force of destiny that might end humanity for good?

Imagine a serene spa nestled amidst the ruins of mankind, where weary mechas flock to unwind. Your spa becomes their sanctuary, offering a variety of soothing massages and treatments.

Click  the thumbnail below to see the trailer!

Click to see the trailer!

A Cozy Sanctuary for Mechas...

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of spa management with delightful mini-games that range from oil change treatment control to precision massage techniques. Each mini-game not only entertains but also enhances your skills as a master mecha masseuse.


Minfulness Electric Cybernetic Hangar v.1.2.zip 38 MB


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Very cozy! I love the art style, and it's always gratifying to see little details like the cockpit that often get skimmed over in anime.